Road telematics: Integrated approach for the study of the impacts of a new alert system
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Résumé / Abstract
A major evolution resulting from road telematics is the use of in-vehicle devices in order to improve road safety and/or user's comfort. Alarm systems warn the driver about effective or potential dangers related to an abnormal behavior of his vehicle and incidents downstream on his route. Since the studies which could be conducted on roads deals with safety criteria, the drivers of non-equipped vehicles are not directly involved in the development of the system, their future behavior with respect to equipped vehicles are only foreseen. That situation sometimes lies in a misfit between the foreseen behavior and the actual one, misfit which can induce non-optimal safety. Due to the progress both in behavioral traffic simulation and in driving simulator, the authors suggest a new approach based up the INRETS ARCHISIM simulation model and INRETS SIM2 driver simulator. In this paper, they will present a new way to study an alarm system. The authors call the proposed approach 'integrated approach'. The suggested methdology consists in the identification of driver behavior on a driving simulator, for the future traffic system, in the modelling of the new behaviors within a traffic simulation model, in the traffic study with these new behaviors and, when needed, in the study of the behaviors of drivers in the future traffic system. The authors illustrate this integrated approach through the study of the impacts of a new alert system by messages called SAM.