Risk exposure and crash involvement rates of occasional drivers
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Résumé / Abstract
This paper describes how nearly half the cars in France are driven by more than one person. Generally, there is one principal driver who covers the greatest distance in the car and one or more occasional drivers. Many studies of risk that link crash data with car travel data only consider the risk exposure of principal drivers because of a lack of more detailed information on the different drivers of a particular car. It is however important to determine what percentage of total distance being driven, is driven by occasional drivers and what percentage of crashes occurs when they are driving. A Canadian study of novice drivers has shown that being an 'occasional driver' is a significant explanatory factor for crash occurrence, particularly when responsibility for the crash is considered. The aim of this study is therefore to characterize the different groups of occasional drivers in France and determine the extent to which this type of driving may be a crash risk factor. As being an occasional driver is very much linked to the driver's age and sex we shall also examine the interactions between these three variables and crash involvement rates.